Are you over-working your brain?

So do millions of women with ADHD. Spaaan is born to help you recognise overlooked behaviours and ease your ADHD journey.

A woman looking up with her chin resting on her fingers. Above her head are colorfully illustrated shapes spread across a dark blue background resembling a display of fireworks.

ADHD in women is under-diagnosed

Women with ADHD are particularly under-recognised and often go under-treated. The symptoms are more internalised: You might have trouble concentrating, getting organised, or managing your emotions. Hormonal changes may also have an impact.

Struggling with emotional regulation

You may experience emotions and sensory inputs more intensely. The constant effort to control the inner world and the environment can be draining and take a toll on one’s self-perception and self-worth. This can create loops of doubt, guilt and shame and might lead to anxiety or depression.

Can’t start, can't finish: Tasks rabbit hole

We know how it feels to constantly struggle with stress, lack of focus and inner restlessness. You can get easily distracted. It can be hard to start or complete tasks at work. Life, including your flat, might become a chaotic mess.

Live at your own tempo

We are building a digital support tool to assess and track ADHD symptoms, offer step-by-step guidance to handle decisions, help with emotional skills development, and peer accountability.

We include Cognitive and Dialectical behavioural therapy techniques to create strategies for your everyday life structure and improve self-regulation.

If you have experience with ADHD symptoms, you can take part of our co-development phase, have a voice in shaping the product, help other women find better ways to manage their symptoms, and getting early access to webinars, events and resources.

Spaaan is supported by funds from the European Union (European Social Fund) & the State of Berlin.